Camera Club Successes

May 04, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Last October I returned to the camera club world. I haven't been involved with camera clubs for many years because of work commitments, but I decided now the time was right. I joined Leicester Forest Photographic Society.

Camera Clubs are great places to share ideas and just talk photography. Leicester Forest PS have run an amazing program of speakers and competitions and I must say it has been a good choice to be involved with. 

The competitions have taken a bit of time to get used to, the images I take for clients and not the images that camera club judges seem to like, so it has been a bit of trial and error. The club runs a three layer system, Group A the Experienced, Group B the Intermediate and Group C the Beginners. I sent in some work at the beginning of the season and it was suggested I entered in Group B.

I submitted several images to start with with not much success, so back to the drawing board! But I found that the Judges of the competitions wanted to help everyone, their comments were brilliant and helpful ... and most of the time correct! There were things I didn't see in the images that I should have.

So I just kept on submitting and after a while I started getting some success.

It’s the real thingIt’s the real thingIt’s the real thing 1st Place

This image was entered into the colour print competition and was Awarded 1st Place. I was highly delighted. 

Then in March The Covid-19 Virus hit the world and everything stopped! But not quite, the competitions must go on, Leicester Forest PS are very lucky to have some Highly Skilled members who are also Judges, so everything became Digital Image submissions.

The next competition was Monochrome or Black and White. I submitted 2 entries.

Floating Village LifeFloating Village Life Floating Village Life was Awarded 2nd Place

Chiang Mai TempleChiang Mai Temple

Chiang Mai Temple was Awarded Highly Commended.

And then the final success of the year.

GabiGabi1st place Group B

Gabi in the Portrait Competition was Awarded 1st Place.

I am happy with the results for this year and now look to build on this success for next season, although we don't yet know at the time of writing this wether next season will be 'Virtual' meetings or the Real Thing.




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